Monthly Archives: June 2014

Win win win

Today was my first real, full length scrimmage. I went in with the goal of not getting hurt, or badly hurting anyone else, and any other moment of triumph would be bonus awesome. Win, win, and a little more win. I helped block Kris My Ass for like, 3 seconds! I love watching her jam, even if she’s against me, it’s so exciting. What an amazing athlete – my life is awesome because I get to play with women like her. So many amazing women! I can not describe how lucky I feel to be apart of this. Everyone has something to teach you. Every game, you can become better than the last because of the people around you.

Tonight’s tips: stay with your partner and don’t chase (I think that last part was more specifically for me as a freshie).

When bridging, don’t look ahead. Only look back. You need to watch that 10 feet barrier and maybe you have more space to take. Watch your rear bridge person.

Things to work on:

Im super hands-y. I didn’t need anyone else to tell me this one, I could feel myself groping for people all the time, and I just tried my best to make sure they were my own teammates. I really need to work on my fast twitch muscles and getting good balance so I can be more solid on my own.

Fucking up the other team’s shit. I have no idea how to help my own jammer.

Some more firsts that felt good:

Lining up for equipment check/a ref reading my number out loud

Finishing a jam with a good moment in it

Pivot helmet covers

My proper number on my arm

A penalty free game (don’t know how many I’ll have)

Being in a pack with the women I’ve idolized for a year. They are even more terrifying and awesome when they’re hitting you for real. (Though I’m sure they were holding back a little)

Love this life.

Practice this shit!

My first couple real league practices have been awesome. I love being able to skate twice a week, everything is getting easier much faster.

Every scrimmage like drill starts by me having a huge “What the fuck just happened?” moment, but those start to fade and you are able to grab a moment here and moment there of great satisfaction. I’m hopeful that those moments will become more frequent!

Here’s a list of things we are doing and I should work on them often!

1 – 3 turns. This is a one foot transition. Outside edge to inside, or vice versa, any combo you want. Much easier to do when rolling.

2 – one foot hop. Use your core, maybe swing your arms, keep your knee up high.

3 – jumping from your outside edge on one foot, to the outside edge on the other foot. Another type of one foot transition.

4 – this one is amazing. Scully, then when your feet are farthest apart, jump. You are pushing off on your edges and you gain speed!

5 – skating on one foot and using your edges to turn. From what I can see, most of the girls use their hips for this one a great deal.

6 – 360 jumps. This one actually looks like it start more like a normal 360 transition with a jump at the end. Strange side note, I seem to do 360 transitions very very well on my bad side.

7 – kick ass drill, hockey stop pyramid. With a partner, you are both on the track facing each other, one facing derby direction, the other opposite. One goes to the other side of the track, hockey stops once, the partner follows. Then you do two, partner does two. Etc all the way to 10, then back down. Once you have stopped, come out of it pushing off your outside foot and crossover your inside. It gives you a big step across the track! I’m realizing how essential the hockey stop is. When going fast, it gives you the fast stopping power you need to be safe. It’s the most important thing I’m working on right now. Also, I hypothesize that the plow I do always with my right foot might not be great for my ankle.

8 – backwards crossovers. Two crosses with one side, two with the other. Pretty simple.

9 – skating in opposite derby direction. I felt like a baby camel out there.

10 – backwards skating on one foot. That shit hurts.

11 – toe stops. Always.

Suffice to say today’s focus was on edges, hopping and one foot skating. All skills that I can work on at Lloyd’s. Or I need to check in with genesis! They probably have their track open now.

Love this league, love every practice. Kick ass life.

Exactly where I’m supposed to be.

These last two month have been hard. Harder than anything I thought I could endure. My father in law passed away and we are about to leave our lives here and move to Vancouver Island at some point during the next year. So when I say that I really needed today, I hope you fully grasp my meaning.

My first time skating in two months, so I wasn’t expecting any miracles. But I prayed to those who loved me who are gone now to give me one day where everything worked out just as it should.

Holy fuck. It did.

25.5 laps, a quick test and “Get the fuck in the line!” God, I’m so happy.

I want to remember how awesome the following things felt before they become normal.

The feel of someone writing a number on my arm.

The love from amazing women who are proud of me.

Busting through a line my very first time jamming.

Hearing that double whistle.

Calling off the jam.

Seeing my number at the corner of my eye for the rest of the day.


Driving home feeling like a fucking rock star.

Getting home a realizing that I’ve sustained an injury!


Celebrating something I’ve been working over a year to achieve.


What a fucking perfect day.